
GraPHPinator PHP codecov

:zap::globe_with_meridians::zap: Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for PHP.


Feature complete PHP implementation of GraphQL server. Its job is transformation of query string into resolved Json result for a given Schema.

Name Version Description
Printer GitHub release Schema printing for GraPHPinator typesystem.
Extra types GitHub release Some useful directives and commonly used types, both scalar or composite.
Constraint directives GitHub release Typesystem directives to declare additional validation on top of GraphQL typesystem.
Where directives GitHub release Executable directives to filter values in lists.
Upload GitHub release Module to handle multipart-formdata requests.
Query cost GitHub release Modules to limit query cost by restricting maximum depth or number of nodes.
Persisted queries GitHub release Module to persist validated query in cache and improve performace of repeating queries.
Name Version Description
PSR Bundled  
Symfony GitHub release Adapters for Symfony framework.
Nette GitHub release Adapters for Nette framework.
Name Version Description
Source GitHub release Wrapper around source document.
Tokenizer GitHub release Lexical analyzer of GraphQL document.
Parser GitHub release Syntactic analyzer of GraphQL document.


This project is being made with help by following companies and individuals. Thank you!



Install package using composer

composer require infinityloop-dev/graphpinator

How to use


This list excludes graphpinator sub-packages such as graphpinator-common, graphpinator-tokenizer and others.


This package is relatively new, so some features might be missing. If you stumble upon something that is not included or is not compliant with the specs, please inform us by creating an issue or discussion. This is not yet another package, where issues and pull-requests lie around for months, so dont hesitate and help us improve the library.