


We are happy you consider using this library.

This documentation relates to the GraPHPinator project - the PHP implementation of GraphQL server. Before you continue, make sure to understand the concepts of GraphQL and its purpose. All the necessary information is presented on the official website.

Compliance status

This library aims at the latest draft of the GraphQL specification. The current version supports all the features and is ready to be used in real-world applications.

Known incompatibilities can be found in issues with “Spec incompatibility” label. Those deviations from specification should not affect your application in any way, but are listed anyway for full transparency.

Table of contents:

Starting out

This section includes some general information about the library and how to use it but does not go deep into unnecessary detail.

If you prefer to read less text and more code - check out the Examples


Information about unofficial extensions this library provides.


Information about internal components, which may be used as standalone tools.


  1. Hello World
  2. Union
  3. Interface
  4. Enum
  5. Arguments
  6. Input
  7. Deprecated
  8. Constraints
  9. Addon types
  10. Upload